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Craft Barbeque Experience

Fire Canyon Barbeque will be providing you with our "Craft Barbeque Experience" daily, Wednesday through Sunday from 11am  to 3pm. Fresh from the smoker and a nice rest, this will typically include core menu items like brisket, pulled pork, Italian sausage jalapeno cheddar sausage, and turkey breast, then we rotate our "Blues Plate Specials" after 4pm! Currently, we're running Spare Ribs on Wednesday, Pork Belly Burnt Ends on Thursday and Chicken Thunder Thighs on Friday after 4pm only. Eventually we'll be expanding their availability and adding in more items, so check in often to see what's next!

To make things even more interesting and fully embrace the true meaning of Kansas City Barbecue, meats like bison, goat, lamb, mutton, kangaroo, gator and wild boar will grace our menus from time to time. For special events and occasions, we'll also be smoking whole hogs and putting on fish fries, chicken fries, turkey fries and crawfish boils!

Kansas City Barbeque is not defined by a single meat, sauce or side - it's a lifestyle! #BBQisLoveFood!

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